What are the three main Body Types?
Credit: https://www.jefit.com/exercise-tips/three-different-body-types)
The three different body types are:
Each of the above-mentioned body types has typical characteristics. If you know which group are you in, it can help you to figure out what type of diet and training would fit your goals.
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The 3 Body-types
Credit: www.mindyourdamnfitness.com
Typical Characteristics:
As ectomorphs can find it quite challenging to pack on size, this doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want and not have it affect your body.
That being said, it is best to stick to complex carbs that can leave you feeling fuller for longer. It will also help to push protein to your muscles to help them to grow. This includes brown rice and brown bread.
Credit: www.treated.com
Typical Characteristics:
If you have a mesomorph body type, your eating plan should include equal amounts of protein and fat, with a moderate amount of carbs making up the rest.
Like I mentioned with the ectomorph and endomorph body type, you should still focus on complex carbs to help give your body energy and keep full in a sustainable and healthy way.
Credit: www.treated.com
Typical Characteristics:
Endomorphs do need to have a stricter eating plan than the others. Unlike ectomorphs, those with the endomorph body type should eat fewer carbs and increase their higher protein intake.
They should avoid simple carbs like white bread and eat more complex ones(brown rice, quinoa, wholegrain bread).
Stress levels can cause endomorphs to keep fat around their midsection. To help with this, you should avoid overtraining so that your body can properly recover. Also, get your beauty sleep.
Credit: www.treated.com